Error R10 (Boot timeout) when deploying Rust Rocket project on Heroku

If you’ve followed this series, I want to congratulate you, because you are making a great bookmarking tool that is usable right now.

But at the step “#11 - Deploy to Heroku”, I guess that you had this error after checking heroku logs --tail:

Error R10 (Boot timeout) -> Web process failed to bind to $PORT within 60 seconds of launch

The reason is very simple, but it was hard for me to google to find the result.

Luckily, I found it. The author of Rocket framework explained it here

Rocket changed its default listening address to across all profiles, including release. This means that, by default, the server only listens on the local interface at To listen on the global interface, the address must be set to

So the solution to this issue is very simple, you need to edit your Procfile like this:

web: ROCKET_PORT=$PORT ROCKET_ADDRESS= ./target/release/app

Hopefully, you can find this answer on your first Google search query.

See you next time!

You can find all the code in my repository:

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